Sunday, October 9, 2011

Smitten Kitchen Chicken and Dumplings

Smitten Kitchen Chicken and Dumplings

Looking so so so fantastic with her loverly yummy butter filled homemade dumplings. Yum! I usually use a Bisquick recipe on the back of the box and use chicken nuggets or thigh pieces the kids didn't eat the day before. I also have tossed in some candied carrots and a stick of butter. So, yeah, I just wing it.

This recipe, THIS ONE, had tons of potential. However, I did not have leeks. No big deal, I had onions and butter (BUTTAH! NOM NOM). No tarragon but I had pepper and dried up bay leaves that were probably older than my 3 year old. Have no idea what thyme is but I did have plenty of time. I also had plenty of red wine for this cooking project (rather than the cooking sherry which tastes awful straight from the tap).

The red wine was my downfall. Not that I drank too much, although I did have a goblet full, I decided to press on and use it instead of clear cooking sherry. This was the downfall. The point at which turned buttah into a blue/green piece of blob. I had also used some amazing roasted chicken leftovers from dinner the night previous.

If you notice the color is off, STOP, DO NOT KEEP PRESSING FORWARD THINKING IT WILL GET BETTER. IT.WILL.NOT. You never, ever, ever put red wine in a cream based sauce unless cooking something for your mother in law or your boss.

Smitten Kitchen's Chicken and Dumplings -- please click for luscious, nommy picture.



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